Οι πιο κολληματικοί στίχοι των Pulp
H στιχουργική ιδιοφυία του Τζάρβις Κόκερ μάς κρατά συντροφιά καθώς σιγοτραγουδάμε αγαπημένα κουπλέ των Pulp.

H στιχουργική ιδιοφυία του Τζάρβις Κόκερ μάς κρατά συντροφιά καθώς σιγοτραγουδάμε αγαπημένα κουπλέ των Pulp.
She came from Greece she had a thirst for knowledge, she studied sculpture at Saint Martin's College, that's where I caught her eye
Ο Τζάρβις Κόκερ των Pulp ξέρει να γράφει στίχους που μιλάνε στην καρδούλα μας κι εμείς λίγες ημέρες πριν τον απολαύσουμε στο Release Athens με τους Pulp (και τους Ride και τους The Smile βεβαίως βεβαίως) θυμόμαστε μερικές από τις καλύτερες στιχουργικά στιγμές του.
I said 'Pretend you got no money' - And she just laughed and said 'Oh, you're so funny'. I said Yeah... Well, I can't see anyone else smiling in here.
Common People, 1995
Your name is Deborah, Deborah... It never suited ya.
Disco 2000, 1995
I heard you stop outside the door, I know you won't believe it's true. I only went with her 'cos she looks like you.
Babies, 1992
Do you remember the first time? I can't remember a worse time...But you know that we've changed so much since then.
Do You Remember The First Time?, 1994
And now you're going with some kid / Who looks like some bad comedian.
Razzmatazz, 1993
Entertainment can sometimes be hard / When the thing that you love / Is the same thing that's holding you down.
Party Hard, 1997
And as I stand and cross the room/ I feel as if my whole life has been leading to this one moment/ And as I touch your shoulder tonight this room has become the center of the entire universe
F.E.E.L.I.N.G.C.A.L.L.E.D.L.O.V.E, 1995
Where would I be now if we'd never met?/ Would I be singing this song to someone else instead?/ I don't know, but like you said: Something changed
Something changed, 1995